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Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Tips for a Healthy Lawn

Your lawn is more than just a pretty face. It sets the tone for the curb appeal of your home. The better you treat it, the more benefits you reap from your hard work. With these tips for a healthy lawn, you will be the envy of the neighborhood in no time. Keep reading to learn how to groom your lawn into a healthy turf that is heat tolerant and weed-free.

Good Topsoil

A healthy lawn starts with quality topsoil. If you’ve ever tried to grow grass in ordinary “dirt” you know the struggle. Topsoil is a nutrient-rich layer of dirt resulting from the decomposition of organic matter and is characterized by a darker color than the soil below. It is not compact or hard which allows the new grass to take root and begin growing quickly. If you are having trouble spots in your lawn, Wilson Blacktop can deliver as much or little topsoil as you need to make your lawn flourish.

Hands holding rich soil

Don’t Scalp the Lawn

One of the worst mistakes people make is cutting the grass too short. Most of the time, this mistake is made with good intentions – if I cut it short, I won’t have to cut as often. That is partially correct – if you cut it too short, it will die, and you won’t have to cut anything. Cutting grass too short will allow weeds to take root and overtake your lawn. The rule to apply when mowing your yard is to cut only 1/3 of the blade of grass at any time. This may mean you have to cut more frequently than you would like, but it will pay off in the end.

Cutting Height Depends on Time of Year

In the spring, you’ll want to cut the grass closer to the ground, however, keep our first tip in mind – do not cut more than 1/3 of the blade of grass at a time. This will remove dead grass and allow sunlight to penetrate and warm the soil promoting new growth. As the mowing season progresses, and the temperatures rise, you should raise your mower deck, leaving the grass taller than in the spring. This helps protect the grass roots from the heat of the summer sun, as well as shades the soil, slowing water evaporation. As the weather turns cooler and the cutting season comes to an end, lower the cutting deck so the ice and snow of winter are less likely to cause mold to form on the grass.

Measuring the height of a mower deck

Mower Blades Should be Sharp

Sharpening and balancing your mower blades are two of the most important chores on your spring to-do list. A sharp blade will cut through the grass cleanly and gives the lawn an even look when finished. If you cut with a dull blade, you damage the plant which can cause it to yellow. The damaged grass will be susceptible to pests and disease and will struggle all season long. Sharpening blades 3-4 times per season is recommended. There are plenty of tutorials online on how to sharpen your mower blades; try searching for your make and model for best practices. Keeping a spare set of blades will make this job easier, as you will always have a sharp set on hand.

Gloved hand sharpening a mower blade on grinder

Mowing Patterns

Avoid cutting your lawn in the same pattern each week. It is likely that the first trip around your house/garage/landscaping items will be done the same way each time to avoid throwing grass clippings in their direction, but past “opening up” the lawn for cutting, you should mow parallel to the house one time, perpendicular the next time, then at various angles from the house in subsequent cuttings. Doing so creates a striped appearance that makes it look like you hired a professional lawn service. This keeps the grass growing straight up rather than bending in the direction of the cut.

Lawn cut at an angle from house

Water Deeply and Less Often

 Your lawn will benefit more greatly from a good soaking every now and then as compared to shallow, more frequent watering. Watering grass with an inch of water, once a week is the recommendation from experts. This encourages the roots of the plant to grow deeper into the soil. The deeper roots result in grass that is more drought and heat tolerant; staying green in the most brutal of summer days.

Garden hose spraying water on brown grass

Fertilize and Weed Control

Fertilizing the lawn in the early spring will jump start the root system of grass. It’s a good idea to hit the lawn with some type of winterizer in late fall to repair any summer damage and encourage root growth even though the grass above the soil has become dormant. Light feedings in between spring and fall will help establish a lush, green turf.

A variety of weeds require different types of weed killers and applications. Pre-emergent weed killers work best on crabgrass and other grass-like weeds by snuffing them out as they pop out of the ground. Other weeds like broadleaf weeds need to be treated while they are growing to be most effective. Be sure to follow the directions on the package for the best results.

Man spreading fertilizer or seed with a seed spreader

Did you know that a healthy lawn will help minimize the dust in your home? If you’ve ever lived in a home without a lawn, you understand this all too well. Grass not only helps keep the soil in place when it rains, it keeps dust and debris where it belongs when the wind picks up.

When you’re ready to start your next landscaping project, whether it be planting new grass or building a beautiful rock garden and anything in between, be sure to check out the materials at Wilson Blacktop. We carry everything you need to make your home stand out in the neighborhood.



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  • Carl Green
    August 20, 2020, 8:56 pm REPLY

    I liked how you mentioned that good topsoil can help grow your lawn quickly. My wife and I are wanting to renovate the exterior of our house and we were wondering how we could add another section to our lawn to make our yard bigger. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should look for good topsoil to add to the new lawn.

  • Trevor Hall
    October 30, 2020, 3:25 pm REPLY

    I never realized that the grass should be cut much lower during the spring to help it grow. My brother is trying to get in touch with local professionals that can help him get a great looking lawn. He wants to make sure the grass is lush and green by the time next summer rolls around.

  • Aaron White
    November 24, 2020, 9:58 pm REPLY

    It’s great to learn that you should be looking to fertilize your lawn in the early spring. My wife and I are wanting our lawn to look good this year and we were wondering when we should fertilize the lawn. I’ll be sure to tell her that we should look to fertilize the lawn in early spring.

  • Sam
    December 6, 2020, 4:08 am REPLY

    I planted a lawn with ever green seed.What can I use to prevent the weeds from growing.?? This grass does not have runners.

  • Ryan Cormier
    January 7, 2021, 12:24 pm REPLY

    You are a lawn care genius!!!!! This is the article that I really needed. This year was a complete failure for me, but next year I’m going to shine!!!!!

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